
Object in Orbit

Drag and drop the gameObject you would like to be in Orbit into the available selector. Otherwise you can click the circular icon on the right to manually search for the object.

Object Being Orbited

Drag and drop the gameObject you would like to be in Orbited into the available selector. Otherwise you can click the circular icon on the right to manually search for the object.

Inverse Orbit (Bool)

Because our solar system orbits the Sun counter-clockwise (depicting the  view of the system above the Sun's Northern Pole), clicking the Inverse Orbit (bool) will inverse the orbit from counter-clockwise to clockwise.

In Orbit (Bool)

This is a required bool and should be selected, checked, set to true. If false or unselected the object will not begin orbit.

Orbit Shape

X Ellipse Radius & Y Ellipse Radius

Orbits are not perfect circles and because perfect circle are impossible, the orbit is an Ellipse calculated using an X and Y radius to calculate an ellipse to use for the orbit path. If you would like to make a circle, et X and Y radius to the same value.

Orbit Speed

Time Rate

Unfortunately, this is a feature still being worked on. Thank you for you patience.

Time In Orbit

The value is in seconds. An orbit time of 92 will result in a orbit that takes 1 minute & 32 seconds.

Min Velocity of Orbit

0 to 1 represents percentage of velocity in relation to time. A value of 0.75 will result in 75% of the speed determined by the Time in Orbit. This min value will be reached at the furthest distance from the object being orbited.

Max Velocity of Orbit

0 to 1 represents percentage of velocity in relation to time. A value of 1.25 will result in 125% of the speed determined by the Time in Orbit. This max value will be reached at the closest distance from the object being orbited.

Velocity of Orbit Range

This value automatically gets set to the max value of the velocity range. While the planet is in orbit the velocity will gradually go from the min to max in relation to distance to the object being orbited.

Orbit Offset

Offset of Orbit

Used to offset the center of the orbit.

Orbit Distance

Closest Distance

Used to adjust the distance in relation the Orbit Offset.

Farthest Distance

Used to adjust the distance in relation the Orbit Offset.

Orbit Data

Position Ratio In Orbit

Data feedback, floating point/decimal is the ratio of the orbit and integers is the orbit count.

Percent of Orbit

Data feedback, percentage of orbit.

Current Distance

Data feedback, current distance from the object being orbited.

Planet Rotation

Object in Rotation

Drag and drop the gameObject you would like to rotate into the available selector. Otherwise you can click the circular icon on the right to manually search for the object.

Degrees Per Second Y Axis, X Axis, Z Axis

Degrees per second in a Vector3.

Orbit Path Render

Render Orbit (Bool)

Select/set to True to activate Line Renderer to show and debug orbit path.

Log Orbit Time

Select/set to True to activate Orbit Timer to log and debug orbit time.

Radial Count (Slider)

Set slider to set radial count of Orbit Path Orbit. (Max 3600).

Solar Orbital System (v1.0) 

Manual Index


Object in Orbit

Object Being Orbitted

Inverse Orbit (Bool)

In Orbit (Bool)

Orbit Shape

X Ellipse Radius

Y Ellipse Radius

Orbit Speed

Time Rate

Time In Orbit

Min Velocity of Orbit

Max Velocity of Orbit

Velocity of Orbit Range

Orbit Offset

Offset of Orbit

Orbit Distance

Closest Distance

Farthest Distance

Orbit Date

Position Ratio In Orbit

Percent of Orbit

Current Distance

Planet Rotation

Object in Rotation

Degrees Per Second Y Axis

Degrees Per Second X Axis

Degrees Per Second Z Axis

Orbit Path Renderer

Render Orbit (Bool)

Log Orbit Time

Radial Count (Slider)