Ready to create environments and levels for first-person, third-person, and top-down perspectives.

Terrain stamps are designed to create navigable landforms for player controllers and pathfinding.

Compatibility: This asset package is designed with and for Unity URP 2022.3.36f1 and above.

Stamps and Heightmaps
97 Unity terrain stamps sourced from 97 R-16 heightmaps made in Substance Designer. Stamps are designed to create landforms with walkable ledges, faces, and ramps.

Includes Shaders and Example Terrains
LANDFORM_AridLush includes 8 example terrains, along with the Shader Graphs for the skybox, the water plane, and the clouds. All three Shader Graphs have exposed variables for customizing their derivative materials, for your convenience and customization.

In this Unity Asset Package there are a handful of shaders with dozens of attributes and exposed variables. The following link will lead to the online manual page to help understand the functionality of these variables past their simple descriptive titles.

Stay This manual will also cover both stamp functionality and potential brush use. Alongside the instruction to edit, customize, and create new stamps/brushes from the provided 97 R-16 heightmaps.

The manual page is currently being worked on and will be published by August 9th, 2024.


The default and provided Shader material for the water is designed to simulate a wavy ocean. Right-clicking the Shader Graph, then selecting "Create" and then selecting "Material" will allow users to make their own custom water shader from this graph. Two normal maps are provided for the default shader. The shader has several exposed variables for customizing the default or a new shader material.


While the clouds look volumetric, they are in fact a stack of 40 warped cloud planes. Each shader material for each plane increases the Alpha Clip Threshold by 0.01 from bottom to top starting, decreasing on the first 8. Clouds look volumetric from afar but at camera or player eye level they look like stylized hologram clouds.

The clouds are GPU expensive. While many assets will require project specific optimization, the clouds will need optimization if you're planning on publishing your game/project to/for players/users. Version 2.0 of this asset will likely aim to optimize the clouds into a single shader material that achieves this effect.


This Shader Graph aims to create a realistic skybox. Utilizing six colors for the skybox, four of these are blended to make the range of color in the aura of the horizon. There is a single color for the sun along with a slider for brightness and size control. The simulation of the sun requires Unity URP 2022.3.36f1, though the rest of the skybox should work with older versions, as this asset was originally constructed in Unity URP 2021.3.21f1 and upgraded to its current version to optimize the sun.

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